Thursday, October 09, 2008

White Rabbit

I would say I was a savoury person. Yes, I like chocolate and baking, but the junk food I would buy from a store does not usually include candy. Of course there are exceptions. White Rabbit candy is one of my favourite sweet candy treats. It is a milk candy made in China wrapped in rice paper, usually only obtained in Chinese stores. You take off the outer wrapping and lop the whole thing in your mouth and as the rice paper melts you start to tasty the milky sweetness underneath. YUM! It was with disbelief that I read the BBC article last week titled, "China Stops Tainted Sweets Sales" with the picture above of my White Rabbit candy. WHAT!? It read: A Chinese sweet maker has stopped domestic sales of one of its best-known brands after it was found to contain the industrial chemical melamine. The company, Guanshengyuan, has already halted exports of the popular White Rabbit candy, made from milk. I hadn't thought the tainted milk scandal would effect me. I quickly made my way down to my favourite Chinese food store in Sheffield, UK. Sure enough, the candies were no longer on the shelves. I do hope they reappear again...minus the melamine.

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