Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Getting Things Done

This is the newest book I am reading. Nigel laughs and tells me he can't believe I am reading any book with that business guy in his full suit on the front. Hey, give me some credit! Actually it came out of a weekend camping getaway hosted by two collaborative London artists, FrenchMottershead, who offered a workshop on marketing your art and getting where you want to in your career. It was excellent as is their exhibition history and their overall enthusiasm and friendliness. They reiterated the years they spent working themselves in circles and failing to move closer to their goals before taking on a new approach. This was the book they recommended. Apparently it is the hot book in London artist circles at the moment. It outlines effective ways to stop spending 90% of your time on administration while increasing time spent on productivity, as anyone running a small business can relate to.

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