Friday, April 08, 2011

The Amazing Staircase

We were told by a building surveyor say that you can pretty well judge a good loft company by a the set of stairs they install. We have seen SMA's staircases before and were absolutely blown away. Here you can see them climbing up and the missing wall to the small bedroom. The turn in the bottom of the stairs is put in and the missing step backs and trim will be added. Nice. Of course the spindles and railings will be put in by the finishers. Despite having a set of stairs bang in the middle of the upper hall, the openness makes the space seem even bigger. This is the trim and side of stairs that our lower ones should look like had they not been cut. I will restore the edges. Craig, our builder, has left some trim and I found some stair edge (the rounded bit) in the loft when we moved in. Under the stairs the bits stabilise and stop the creaking. I have to also put most of those back in for the stairs downstairs as well.

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