Friday, January 14, 2011

Family Photo Shoot

A family photo shoot. The announcement is made. A few people start to gather, but not everyone hears. The adults start lining up behind the couch and now the kids want to go back there too. Kids, we can't see you back there. You need to sit in the front. They climb over the couch at which point we realise there is no where to prop the camera. A change of position, but I miss getting in the photo. Everyone is in but this one turns out a bit blurry. There we go! A few quick shots of family groups for our walls back in the UK. Nice and ethereal! The girls ask for a photo shoot. We start with goofy. And move on to smiling. Confusion? And general happiness. And finally distraction. The older cousins move on to entertaining their baby cousin. Then they all take a break and watch some cartoons in the back bedroom. We go outside for our final family grouping. And try to keep all the troupes in one place. Lovely!

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