Thursday, February 04, 2010

Suffolk, UK: Evening Walk

We probably set out a bit late on our walk in the country side. The sky was partly overcast and starting to darken. It seemed a bit light when we knew where we were going. Wisely we left our GPS/Sat-Nav and our flashlight at home. (Because who wants to carry extra stuff?) It was quite beautiful and I took my time taking pictures. I took the bridge while Nigel decided it was far more fun to take the bog. The view from the bridge. The sun is setting and Nigel points out I shouldn't delay us by taking more pictures. As we stop to look at the map, I take more pictures. We are going the wrong way, it turns out. We head back over a long farm field. past a windy road. I am still taking pictures which alarms Nigel even more. We take a wrong turn into a muddy farm and don't realise it until we are really not on a path anymore and just ruining some farmer's cabbage plants. We turn around by which time it is dusk. We finally make our way back when we can barely see anything anymore, all the while debating who has more mud caked on their boots.


Laura and Ryan said...

Haha - and I was thinking, "what do you mean, carrying extra stuff? You have a backpack on!". Sounds like a fun adventure.

michal (W.I.T.W.I.M.) said...

Hey, you are right!!!! Ha ha!

Ruth said...

i love your photo essays about things like walks in the country - the perfect thing to read before bed! Hope you are both well.

Michal said...

Hello Ruth!!!!! We are well. Where are you these days? Nice to hear from you!