Wednesday, July 08, 2009

My Theory is...

I have recently watched "Corita: Ten Rules for Students and Teachers" on the nun, socio-political artist and art teacher, Sister Mary Corita who taught at the Immaculate Heart College in Los Angeles in the 60's. She came to my attention when I was asking about a piece of hers in a friend's flat in London. I was promptly lent her DVD. She quotes a Balinese saying "We have no art, we do everything as well as we can." Commenting on that she says, "I think that should be our motto for the art department. You see, you don't have art off in a special category. Ideas can come from anywhere." I also remember my prof, John Cussans, who taught Contextual Studies and Critical Theory at Chelsea College suggesting that the artists creating the truest work were those who were least self-aware. When discussed further it emerged the non-artists doing everyday tasks might be at the pinnacle of this theory. His point exactly. Dr. John Cussans preparing a presentation For myself, I find theory often goes in circles and becomes almost self-perpetuating. The more one jumps in the more obscure and irrelevant it can seem. The response I have chosen in trying to understand it all is to listen quietly, occasionally posing simple questions. I choose to do this always in context of myself not understanding as opposed to trying to battle another side down. I am sincere. One characteristic of this theoretical thinking, I have noticed, is ego...which I am not enamoured by in this context. I dislike anyone being made to feel stupid and much prefer people felt comfortable and free to express their own unknown. This was a gift of John Cussans. He never made one feel unintelligent, but brought complex notions forward with such enthusiasm that you were drawn to trying to decipher this new code.


sue said...

I like the points of Sister Mary Corita and your Chelsea College instructor - the idea of things done unselfconsciously but well - I like how these thoughts make art less exclusive and more natural.

These are interesting posts Michal.

michal (W.I.T.W.I.M.) said...

It is too bad, reading it a day later, that I end things in my own unrelated rants! Ha ha! Stop it, Michal!