Saturday, July 25, 2009

Chocolate in Paris

In our wanderings we come across a wonderful chocolate store on a side street in Paris. We eye the confectionery and commiserate that the shop is closed. This particular chocolatier seems to specialise in making chocolate look like other things...candy for instance, in the box above. A hanging Eiffel Tower. Eiffel Tower lollipops. Chocolate tennis balls. Who told these people we have just come from Wimbledon? This one was the most fundamentally disturbing for me, a vegetarian. Two things on opposite ends of a very long spectrum of food: sausage and chocolate. Just in case you think there is any meat in the above picture, it is a sausage made entirely of chocolate. Chocolate made to look like cheese. Very French! A chocolate wine bottle. And now very boringly, chocolate candy.


Tyrone said...

Yeah! A chocolate that looks like a nice meaty chorizo link sausage!


The cheese one looks good too, but looks like it would be easier to make.

michal (W.I.T.W.I.M.) said...

Just say no to chorizo chocolate!!!