Saturday, August 09, 2008

The New Logo

This image below was the Mercy Ship's logo up until this week. There was concern it didn't look enough like a ship, but given it says "Ships" pretty clearly, I didn't think the stylized image was a problem.

This is the new logo, below, unveiled this week. A more obvious ship, the same font, but a much more obscure sense of a globe (I call them parenthesis). So the question is: is this an improvement? What do you think?

They used to have sheep on board at one point on the old ship. Someone came up with this crazy spoof of a logo. I love it.

Two variations of the old logo below.


Tyrone said...

you should also do a logo with 'Mercy Chips' that was a common pronunciation in central america and the caribbean.

'Mercy Sheeps' was the Anastasis after actually 'ferrying' some sheep to an outreach.

Hmmm, maybe 'Mercy Chips...bringing doritos and cheetos'...?

Anonymous said...

I like the Mercy Chips idea...