Friday, August 08, 2008

An Arabic Prayer

On a journey back from the Tenegar Agriculture and Medical clinic we stopped in the middle of the forest along the road.
There was a covered wooden structure that houses the local market. Stalls are set up and in case of rain, which is common in the rainy season, everything stays dry. In the dry season it is a respite from the hot sun.
I looked up at the roof of the structure to see sunlight streaming in and wondered how well it did keep the marketers dry.
As I examined the way it was built I noticed a small paper hung from the one of the beams.
It appeared to be a folded piece of paper tied with a string. There was writing on it.
I imagined it might be a prayer to keep safe all those in the surrounding areas who suffer from poverty, war, and hunger.
A simple prayer to sell enough for the day that there might be enough food on the table to fill a family's empty belly.
A quiet thought dangling in the wind.

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