Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Blood Shot

I awoke today with bloodshot eyes. This is usually a sign that I've pulled an all-nighter writing an essay and my body and mind are ready to quit. My creative options are drastically limited on board this ship, I am tired, and I am beginning to show the signs of strain. I lay in bed last night with a desperation that left my brain whirling. How could I find a creative outlet with the time I have and make a statement all at once? The idea I came up with in my exhaustion last night seemed so brilliant.

I would go punk.

I lay there and made a mental scan of my wardrobe deciding that everything must go except maybe a couple of edgy black and plaid items. I planned my hair. I planned my makeup. I even came up with fake body piercing solutions.

The next day as I was teaching art to the teenagers at the Academy I told them what I was thinking. One UK student, ever enthusiastic (who reminds me of me at that age) said eagerly, "hey, Michal, I'll go punk with you!" Imagine.

Bless! (as those English would say)


Anonymous said...

What Academy? Which teenagers. I don't understand! Explain.

Michal said...

There is an school on board the ship that has 50 students. There are 6 teenagers who take an art class I teach. Our current project is book-binding.