Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I would rather let something heal naturally, feel the pain, and suffer with admirers than take medicine. There are few circumstances in which I will actually take something. Last week for instance I woke up and couldn't move my head. My whole neck had seized up and every movement sent shots of excrutiating pain up my neck and down into my shoulder blades. I buckled and took a muscle relaxant. I woke the next morning and was in pain all over again. Again the next day. Nigel asked me if I had taken any pills the night before. Why would I do that when I would be sleeping? He shook his head in utter bewilderment. Apparently I don't understand how these things work. Ha! I explained this story to a friend who said...Doesn't he know you don't like medicine? That is when it dawned on me...I, Michal, who avoids taking any medicine, am marrying an anesthetist! How ironic.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha. I can enjoy the humor of that!!!


Anna said...

Ha ha! You may be reformed, Michal! My anethsetist-friend offered to give me gravol shots at his house if I ever got food poisoning. Then he told me rather sheepishly that de'd also given his mom a good shot of pain reliever for her arthritis before she went to work in his garden!

Those anesthetists are funny!