Friday, February 06, 2009

What is Your Dream Joe-Job?

A friend who works as a trained professional once said he had always liked the idea of delivering pizzas. It was his secret dream joe-job. Not that he would ever give up his well paid professional job, but he thought it looked fun. Ever since I was young and would tag along with my mom on grocery shopping trips I always thought the job of shelf stocker looked really fun. If my mom lingered in the cereal aisle I would start straightening up the haphazard cereal boxes and shifting ones to the front of the shelves that had been pushed to the back. When I worked as an assistant cook for a kids camp cooking for 400 one of my favourite things to do was organize the storeroom and the fridge. It became even more exciting when new stock came in. I would know exactly where everything was and could organize it with with maximum efficiency and minimal space. I realize I also like to face a disaster of a room or space (yours or mine), organize it and tidy it as fast as possible. I like to put the groceries away when I come back from shopping (and make that the excuse for reorganizing the cupboards). I like to pack for a trip. I like to unpack after a trip. I sometimes mock-pack a few weeks before a trip just for a thrill. I like to make lists to pack for a trip. This all seems connected somehow.


Helen said...

I've always wanted to be a barrista.. Starbuck's or Cafe Artigiano. Mmmm... coffee.

Anonymous said...

I read a recent article on BBC that said in our current recession McDonald's sales are up and Starbucks is having to close 900 branches worldwide. I guess when you can get a whole meal Mcdeal for less than a cup of namebrand coffee you go for it. It also said that sales on fresh produce were down also as a result of being more expensive than fast food.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you were living with us for over a month and I didn't tap into this passion!!!


Anna said...

This is very true, Michal. I can testify! I can recall coming home from camp after you've stayed in my room, and it's all re-organized. Of course, at first it would bend my nose out of shape that my things were moved, but by the next day I would realize that you actually arranged it in the best way for the space, and I liked it!

You're a very good organizer. You could stock those shelves PERFECTLY.

Joel Buxton said...

I've always enjoyed mopping (large open areas especially). I thinking about very little when I do. I get all caught up in the rhythm, and having my body find a niche in that.

Anonymous said...

I like the mopping one! I like to sweep floors that are really dirty because seeing the difference is so satisfying.