Monday, November 03, 2008

Look-Alikes: Playmobil Art

I couldn't believe it when two art publications came out similtaneously in South Yorkshire with Playmobil figures featuring in art pieces on the covers. It turns out they are the same art group. But then there was this by Kirsten Johnson...


E.C.R. Phillips said...

The lego makes me think of the covers of the novels 'Microserfs' and 'Jpod'. Lego is important to Douglas Coupland I guess. He also just unveiled a work of art that is two giant toy soldiers. Coincidence?

Anonymous said...

I think you are right. There is some collective consciousness with artists and toys that is going on. I have noticed it in other places too. I didn't know Douglas Coupland was using it too. Hey, he has a studio space in Vancouver that I really want...maybe I can trade it for some LEGO!