Saturday, March 17, 2007

This is a Test

This photo is posted to see if I am still experiencing photo-posting-problems. It appears I am not. Hooray! Blogger has also kindly accepted my request to remove the word identification when I add a new blog. This had been causing me heaps of trouble.

I have been saving this picture. I had meant to use it when I wrote a long blog explaining my hesitations about becoming a parent. I am not pregnant and I do not have any kids. My main question is whether it is possible to be both a parent and a successful artist. I like my independance. I like being an artist. I like my freedom. But as all things go, I don't see how I am limited by being an artist as much as I see how much freedom I have to move. One example of this is my ability to travel. I want to maintain my ability to travel even with kids. I know it can be done...I have seen it in those who simply believe it is possible to do it with kids. But what I don't notice is that my choice to be a full-time artist these last 5 years has limited my ability to travel. In fact, it cuts at the funds so hard that I only occassionally could get a ticket on sale for another Canadian city (never more than a province away).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David and I travelled Africa with small children.It WAS hard at times, but this was in the 1970's. Surely life is easier now? I have several friends who became parents after becoming artists. The hardest part is trying to remember you are in charge of an infant! They grow quickly and can be sent to preschool once they can walk!THEN you have to remember to pick them up again.Go for it!