Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Marine Assault Course

Here is a glimpse of what Nigel I do for vacation... a Marine Assault Course. Nigel ventures into the first big puddle. This is October and it is chilly. Gareth, our guide, runs in after Nigel. I noticed that he would send us first into the pools with the drop-offs. I am feeling tough and dry at this point. We had the choice of tunnels to go through. We went for the bigger one. We were then told we had to do them both. I wasn't sure if I was just nervous or if the cold of the water was making me hyper-ventilate. Okay, I am ready, posing for a picture, and trying to catch my breath. Forget the hat. I know, I am stalling. In I go... Nigel is next. He is right behind me. It is too small a tunnel to crawl on my hands and knees. Goodbye world! There were several of these underground tunnels completely dark and not quite tall enough to walk in. I close my eyes and feel my way along. Nigel emerges.

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