Monday, September 04, 2006


The bus was particularly slow heading home. Brazil and Argentina had a game at Arsenal and the bus meandered through the heavy traffic in that area. It turns out the old woman beside was from Argentina. We got talking about her home country, her 10 year stint in Spain and the current city, London, that we were both residents of. I asked her about Spain and she described the city she lived in as a 24 hour party city with dancing and good times for all ages. I asked her if she danced. "Oh, I am a Christian", she replied. OKAY! She asked me what brought me to London and when I told her I was here studying art she exclaimed that her son was an animator as well as a musician. A musician in a rock band. When I asked her if they were good she said they had a tour in North America and Europe coming up. I asked her if she liked their music. "I am a Christian", she said knowingly again in her strong accent. I took this to mean, "of course not". But this time she quickly followed that up by saying, "but I like Ozzie Ozbourne". Did I hear her right? " I like Ozzie Ozbourne," she repeated. What do you like about him, I enquired curiously. Him? His TV show? or his music? "I like him. He is a nice man with a nice family."


Anna said...

that's pretty funny. did you share that you were a christian, too?

Laura and Ryan said...

Michal. I'm missing your blogs. I'm realizing though, as I write this, that you've got your big show this week. So good luck! Can't wait to see you back in Van!