Sunday, July 12, 2009

Walnut Date Balls

"If you have been reading the book "Spent" you will reconize this recipe. It is currently one of my favourite sweet treats and good for you too! Indgredients: 2 cups coursely chopped walnuts 1 cup dates, pits removed 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice pinch of sea salt 1/3 cup fine shredded unsweetened coconut Chop nuts in a food processer. Add the dates, lemon juice, and salt. Pulse until mixture is well blended and starts to stick together. Roll into small balls and roll into shredded coconut. Place in fridge to harden for 1/2 hour before eating.


Anonymous said...

CAn you make that for me when you come?


michal (W.I.T.W.I.M.) said...

Sure! Ha ha!