Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Getting Sucked In

I recently finished "A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini and cried my eyes out throughout the entire thing. I was warned it was sad (but good), but that did not prepare Nigel for a quiet evening on his computer and me curled up on a couch reading and weeping. He looked at me and in his usual dry humour told me to "stop it!" Of course I couldn't which fueled his next question, "why do you do this to yourself?" It brought back a funny story we often tell when we were on a plane between Canada and the UK. I was watching a light Disney movie and Nigel was busy reading or listening to his iPod. The movie's plot had been about a young family whose father had died, but had come back to help his grieving child through a last task. I again, was crying my eyes out, but desperately trying to be as silent as possible, knowing I was on a packed plane. Nigel at one point must have glanced over or heard a sniff and, nudging me, gave me a look that said, "why are you crying?" In my not-realizing-how-loud-my-voice-is-with-earphones-on I sobbed loudly, "the dad died and now his ghost has come back to help." Nigel rolled his eyes, "isn't this a Disney movie?"


Unknown said...

That is hilarious and precious. Thanks, Michal!

Craig-n'-Dana said...

Oh Nigel. Funny!!

michal (W.I.T.W.I.M.) said...

Nigel likes to disown me at those moments on planes! ha ha!

michal (W.I.T.W.I.M.) said...

Nigel just read the book and there was not a single tear shed! I am incredulous! What a machine!

Anonymous said...

ha! good story :)

Lisa said...

I just finished the book as well - no tears (not sure if that makes me hard hearted). Amazing book.

michal (W.I.T.W.I.M.) said...

No, it doesn't make you hard hearted. I just happen to score off the charts in FEELING in the Myers Briggs (and seem to be getting worse the older I get).

ABBA Sisters said...

i managed to hold the tears back until the VERY LAST LINE. Then i was done-for. we weepers are just sponges- we soak up so very much and every once in a while we have to get wrung out :)
love your updates :)

ABBA Sisters said...

it's me, greta, btw

michal (W.I.T.W.I.M.) said...

The problem is I am getting worse and worse the older I get!