Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Market, Monrovia

I avoid taking a camera with me almost always. Pulling one out in Liberia is asking to stick out and get harassed. These I tried to take with stealth from inside a moving vehicle. I was caught out by pedestrians and one man starting yelling. I stopped and felt I wouldn't bring it with me again. But at least it gives you an idea of the market. It stretches for at least a mile.

It is quite crowded in the market.

People sell used items, new items, food can find most anything in the market places.

There are what I call "wheel barrow stores". They usually sell one item and wheel around to where the market is best.

Coconut wheel barrow store.

You can get fabrics and a lot of used clothing in the markets.

Bras too!

Any kind of plastic container.

And then carry it home on your head.


Anna said...

cool picture into liberia, michal. so what was the guy who saw you with the camera yelling about? Was he angry, or what?

Michal said...

Yes, he was angry and yelling something about sueing me for taking his picture. Liberia has very strong ties with the US so it is wise to be careful, although I am sure nothing will come out of it.